Mark Churchill, RICO Secretary 309-762-3643

11th Hour Spring CLE Seminar

Continuing Legal Education Seminar June 16, 8-4:30 pm - WIU QC Riverfront Campus, Room 111 Cost: $0 for attorneys who take a pro bono case. $25 for bar assoc members who don't take a pro bono case $75 for non members who don't take a pro bono case There will be no charge for the […]

CLE Seminar

WIU-Riverfront Room 111 $100 for non-members, $75 for members Tickets Member $75.00 USD Non-Member $100.00 USD

April Dinner Meeting

at Oakwood Country Club, Coal Valley, IL 5:30 Social Hour; 6:45 Dinner Reservation by email to by Monday, April 23, 2018. Make sure your email contains your name and meal preference.  Meal choices are Filet Mignon, Baked Tilapia, or Pasta e fagioli and the default designation will be beef if a preference is not […]

Law Day Luncheon

Tuesday, May 1, 2018 at the TaxSlayer Center, Moline, IL Check-In begins at 11:30 a.m. and Lunch served at 11:45 a.m. Reservations due 4/25/2018 to Hany G. Khoury's Office (309) 796-0170  

Memorial Service

Rock Island County Justice Center Tentatively scheduled for May 25th at 1:00 p.m. Further details available soon

Golf Outing & Dinner Meeting

at Short Hills Country Club, East Moline Golf Outing Registration at Noon Social Hour 5:30 pm; Dinner 6:45 pm Details available at a later date

October Dinner Meeting

Jumer’s Hotel & Casino, Rock Island 5:30 Social Hour; 6:45 Dinner Reservations to by 10/22/18. Meal choices: Filet Mignon, Baked Tilapia or Vegetarian Lasagna (default designation will be beef)

January CLE Seminar

Event: January CLE Seminar Date: Friday, January 11, 2018, 8:30am - 4:30pm Location: Western Illinois University QC – Riverfront Campus Room 111 Cost: $90 for Members and $110 for Non-Members Quantity of Tickets can be changed upon Checkout. Ticket Type: Member $90.00 USD Non-Member $110.00 USD Attendee Name or Firm Name: Email:

January Dinner Meeting

January 24, 2019  -  5:30pm Social Hour  -  6:45pm Dinner Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave., Rock Island Meal choices are filet mignon, baked orange roughy or vegetarian lasagna (with filet being the default) RSVP to by 1/21/19

April Dinner Meeting

Oakwood Country Club

at Oakwood Country Club, 1067 US Hwy 6 Coal Valley, IL Social Hour will begin at 5:30 p.m., and dinner will be served at 6:45 p.m. RSVP to Meal choices are Filet Mignon, Seared Tilapia or Pasta Fagioli