Join the Fellows of the Illinois Bar Foundation and the Rock Island County Bar Association for the Rock Island County Fellows Reception posthumously honoring Martin H. Katz and honoring Robert T. Park for their leadership and dedication to the law. The reception will be held in conjunction with the April RICO Bar Association Meeting on Thursday, April 27, 2017 at Oakwood Country Club from 5:30-8:00 pm.

For RICO Bar Association members, tickets are complimentary, and for non-RICO Bar Association members, tickets are $25 each. Meal options are filet mignon, seared tilapia, or pasta e fagioli. To reserve or purchase tickets please call
309-762-3643 or email
The proceeds from this event will help the Foundation further its mission to ensure meaningful access to the justice system, especially for those with limited means; assist lawyers who have fallen on hard times; and provide legal Fellowships to recent law school graduates. For more information, including sponsorship opportunities, visit or call
(312) 726-6072.
Thank you to our generous sponsors!
Benefactor Sponsors:
Katz Nowinski P.C.
Shawn S. Kasserman
Michael J. Warner, Warner & Zimmerle
Patron Sponsors:
Simmons Hanly Conroy
Rock Island County Bar Association
Friend Sponsors:
Susan M. Goldberg
Tim & Teresa Kelly